Sunday, July 4, 2010

China? China.

Yes, that's right - I'm in China. Hong Kong to be exact. How and why did I get to China you ask? Well, it just so happens that Green Key (the eco-certification program I'm developing with hotels) is part of an international organization, FEE - the Foundation for Environmental Education. FEE runs 4 programs in addition to Greek Key, and there are member countries around the world. Once a year, FEE has an Annual General Assembly, and this year the meeting was guessed it! China. And I got to go. Pretty neat, huh?

Everyone was so nice, and I learned a lot from just sitting in the meeting and just talking with everyone. The first day, I had lunch with a Kenyan, Moroccan, Brit, Cyrprus...ian(?), Greek, Tunisian, Slovakian, Jordanian and Matla...n(?). It was one of the coolest experiences I've had in a while.

The conference finished yesterday and now I'm playing tourist in Hong Kong for a few days. I only got here yesterday but I already really like Hong Kong a lot - it actually reminds me a lot of Manhattan. I spent yesterday walking around, getting to know the city and browsing in the street markets here. It's such a different lifestyle than Jamaica, and I'm not sure I could live here, but I'm really glad I'm getting to see it, if only for a few days.

More updates and definitely some pictures to come when I get back to Jamaica this weekend.


My weight loss journey said...

Awesome enjoy!

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