Wednesday, April 22, 2009

23 days to go...

I only have 23 days until I am sworn in and officially start my service as a Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV)! Some days it feels as though I’ve only been here a few days, and others it feels like I’ve been here a year already. Things are still going really well, but the days can be pretty jam packed, and I have been taking in a whole lot of information lately. Training is definitely exhausting – that’s something that other PCVs have told me before, and while I didn’t doubt in the least, I also didn’t fully understand how true it is until now. But it is all important stuff, so I'm willing to push through it.

I spent the last two weeks in Ochi with WHROMP (pronounced wee-romp), and am now back in Hellshire for this week with the rest of the group to process the experience and get some more training as a larger group. By far the best thing about this week is seeing the rest of my training class. I really like my group, and it’s really nice to hear about everyone’s site and what everyone will be doing while they’re here. In general, people seem really happy with everything. Everyone has their own unique challenges, and no one’s site is anywhere close to perfect, myself included. But people seem to be adjusting well, and I think once we get through training, start doing some work and get a little more freedom, people will be a lot happier.

We’ll all be going back to our sites this weekend, and will be there for another two weeks. Then we’ll have one final week of training in Kingston, complete with an official swearing in ceremony.
After that, it’s back to our sites to start our two year journey as Peace Corps Volunteers.

I don't really have too much else to say now, and need to get going anyway. But some people have been asking me what types of things I would appreciate being sent to me, and so I’ve decided to put together a little list, should you feel so inclined. No pressure, but who doesn't love a care package??

- Letters!
- Books (fiction, non-fiction, political, I'll really read anything at this point)
- Movies or music
- Magazines (Food magazines or current events/political ones are personal favorites)
- Food (non-perishable or non-melty stuff is probably best.)
- Yoga DVDs (A fellow trainee taught us some this morning and I really liked it!)
- Things to do in my room/house that don’t involve going outside after dark
- Really, anything else you can think of!


Sergio Guzman said...

I bet sully could put up a good list of "Things to do in my room/house that don’t involve going outside after dark".

I'm just saying!!

Sara Ray said...

oh-- in regards to yoga. my saving grace has been

PCVs get free downloads off this site and it's MONEY. i never did yoga before i came here, but you download the class as an MP3 onto itunes, it comes with pdfs of the poses.

basically, just go through, add shit to your cart and use the coupon GOODWILL and it'll be freeskis.